I made it! This has been the hardest one yet and I'm getting
intimdated by the days to come.
Week for is: run 3:00, walk 1:30, run 5:00, walk 2:30, run 3:00, walk
2:30, run 5:00.
I noticed that on each 5 min interval I was ready to stop running at 3
minutes. This must be because last week my longest interval was 3
minutes long. Hopefully by the end of the week I will be fine with 5....
But now I'm psyching myself out - in just a week I will have to run
for 20 minutes straight only after I do intervals of 5 one day and 8
the next. Really? From 8 minutes to 20? Yikes!
Yesterday's run was my hardest so far. My knees hurt for the first
time ever, too. Every time my feet impacted I'd get a twinge on the
insides of my legs right at the knee. It lessened when I used the pose
method but it was still there. Once I got to my second round though,
it wasn't as bad.
I hope it was a fluke from tired legs or joints. Evenings just aren't
as easy as mornings but I can't seem to get out of bed!
Maybe the heat will encourage me. UIt was over 80 last night! Better
start settin the alarm earlier!
An optimistic even steven's noteworthy rants, events, thoughts, obsessions, successes, and disasters
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday!
I stumbled across this on one of the blogs I follow (Star's Pink World)and thought I'd join in on the fun!
This weeks Top 2 Tuesday topic is:
Top 2 random facts about yourself
I am in the middle of a game of Scrabble with my cousin that lives in California thanks to an iPhone app called Words with Friends and I scored 66 points this morning on the word "stone." In your face, Luke!!
I went to kindergarten with Johnathan Taylor Thomas... kind of. I was in the A.M. class and he was in the P.M. class at Sergeant School in Roseville, CA - Go Bulldogs!
*Sigh* I heart you JTT!
Daily Love
"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!"
- Bob Marley, iconic musician.
- Bob Marley, iconic musician.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Let's Play Four Square!
No, not the childhood game where you bounce a red rubber ball in other people's square - although I do recall LOVING that game (and butts up - anyone ever play that??).
I am talking about Four Square of the future - I'm not sure why they chose this name but no bother, this is so addicting and FUN!
This is an app for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry that allows you to "check-in" at various locations that you visit. The more you check-in, the more points and badges you can earn. If you have visited a location more than anyone else, you become the MAYOR!
Some shops and restaurants are giving specials to their Foursquare customers, and free stuff to the mayor. What great marketing!
Also, users can post tips like what to order (or avoid), specials, secrets, or just comment about locations. There is a feature that pulls up locations near you based on your phone's GPS so you can find places that have tips already.
The competition alone is what drives me on it. Jenn and I (check out her blog here) have even talked about going out one afternoon and racing to see how many places we can check it at around the mall we both part-time at. Jenn, you are going DOWN!!!!
If you have one of these phones (or an iTouch) I highly recommend signing up here and adding me as a friend here!
I am talking about Four Square of the future - I'm not sure why they chose this name but no bother, this is so addicting and FUN!
This is an app for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry that allows you to "check-in" at various locations that you visit. The more you check-in, the more points and badges you can earn. If you have visited a location more than anyone else, you become the MAYOR!
Some shops and restaurants are giving specials to their Foursquare customers, and free stuff to the mayor. What great marketing!
Also, users can post tips like what to order (or avoid), specials, secrets, or just comment about locations. There is a feature that pulls up locations near you based on your phone's GPS so you can find places that have tips already.
The competition alone is what drives me on it. Jenn and I (check out her blog here) have even talked about going out one afternoon and racing to see how many places we can check it at around the mall we both part-time at. Jenn, you are going DOWN!!!!
If you have one of these phones (or an iTouch) I highly recommend signing up here and adding me as a friend here!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I heart Saturdays!
Started the day by sleeping in... until 8! (late, I know!) I was able to convince Simon to join me on my run today, W3D3, despite his hangover. He suggested that we take a drive to Chaparral Park this time. Brill!
It was a gorgeous morning and a beautiful run!

This week has been fantastic, I have really felt challenged which I like. Last week felt like cake in comparison so I am encouraged that each stint of the program will feel the same.
I'm not as at ease with my breath but I have learned how to eliminate the pain in my legs - 2 advil before I start and plenty of stretching.
It's hard to keep up with Simon since I've slowed my pace but I'm trying to build my endurance, not win a race. And he is conscious of it and was so great to slow down to keep pace. I did have to keep reminding myself, though, that if I need to go slow then that is just fine. The important part is that I don't give up in the middle of an interval. So far so good!
Also, I have been adding 1-2 minutes this week after the last interval of 3 minutes of walking. I feel like 8 minutes of walking is boring me! Good sign!
Overall it was a great day (and an accomplished week in the program!)
Sara - Here is my coordinated hat for ya ;)
After the run we stopped by Scratch Pastries for coffee, one of our new favorite places walking distance to the place. Hung out on the patio and I got to chat with my Dad for a bit on the phone.
We swung by TJ Maxx - the dangerous part of where we live is how close we are to this!! - and then came home to clean up and have some breakfast. Simon makes a mean breakfast sandwich! Yumm!
And what could possibly top off this already promising Saturday? Going poolside!
71 degrees, that felt like 80 and a few dos equis and I'm in heaven!
It was a gorgeous morning and a beautiful run!

This week has been fantastic, I have really felt challenged which I like. Last week felt like cake in comparison so I am encouraged that each stint of the program will feel the same.
I'm not as at ease with my breath but I have learned how to eliminate the pain in my legs - 2 advil before I start and plenty of stretching.
It's hard to keep up with Simon since I've slowed my pace but I'm trying to build my endurance, not win a race. And he is conscious of it and was so great to slow down to keep pace. I did have to keep reminding myself, though, that if I need to go slow then that is just fine. The important part is that I don't give up in the middle of an interval. So far so good!
Also, I have been adding 1-2 minutes this week after the last interval of 3 minutes of walking. I feel like 8 minutes of walking is boring me! Good sign!
Overall it was a great day (and an accomplished week in the program!)
Sara - Here is my coordinated hat for ya ;)
After the run we stopped by Scratch Pastries for coffee, one of our new favorite places walking distance to the place. Hung out on the patio and I got to chat with my Dad for a bit on the phone.
We swung by TJ Maxx - the dangerous part of where we live is how close we are to this!! - and then came home to clean up and have some breakfast. Simon makes a mean breakfast sandwich! Yumm!
And what could possibly top off this already promising Saturday? Going poolside!
71 degrees, that felt like 80 and a few dos equis and I'm in heaven!
Pool was way too cold but didn't need it, really. Just turned on the tunes and read my mag and life is good. Also got to chat with my dear, dear friend DJ who I think needs to make a visit ASAP!
But, life is hard poolside and it can get old when you run out of beer so I meandered inside to do a bit of blogging and catching up on DVR. Oh Grey's Anatomy, how much I love you so....
Hope you all enjoyed your Saturday afternoon, too!
Chaparral Park,
Couch to 5k,
Sunny day
Friday, March 26, 2010
Free as a bird
Wearing the Werner Haring raven feather and coral neckpiece and Tamawa
drop earrings
drop earrings
The neckpiece is glamorous (and warm) and looks luscious on top of my
green top.
Similar styles have been featured in Marie Claire magazine and this
weeks episode of Ugly Betty.
Two Months today I will be in ENGLAND!
Whoop whoop!
My obsession gene has officially kicked in!
A few things I am excited to do and see...
Meet Simon's family and the house and neighborhood he grew up in - his dad still lives there!
See the York Minster lit up
Go to the York Dungeons (Frickin' love this stuff no matter how scary it is!)
Have a pint at the Kings Arms
With Tommy & Anna
Stay at the Guy Fawkes Inn B&B
See the Museum Gardens
And the York walls
Visit Edinburgh
See Cliffords Tower, what's left of York castle, and the castle museum
Nights out in London (and lots of daytime touristy stuff)

Using a phone booth
Taking the train

A sheep roadblock
The Queen and all her glory - here's to hoping I actually get to see her and that perfect wave...
All to be finished up with a trip to Lanzarote
There is so much more to be excited about.... I can't fit it all in one blog!
Next thing I know, I'll be on the plane and on my way. Yipeeee!
My obsession gene has officially kicked in!
A few things I am excited to do and see...
Meet Simon's family and the house and neighborhood he grew up in - his dad still lives there!
See the York Minster lit up
Go to the York Dungeons (Frickin' love this stuff no matter how scary it is!)
Have a pint at the Kings Arms
With Tommy & Anna
Stay at the Guy Fawkes Inn B&B
See the Museum Gardens
And the York walls
Visit Edinburgh
See Cliffords Tower, what's left of York castle, and the castle museum
Nights out in London (and lots of daytime touristy stuff)
Using a phone booth
Taking the train
A sheep roadblock
The Queen and all her glory - here's to hoping I actually get to see her and that perfect wave...
All to be finished up with a trip to Lanzarote
There is so much more to be excited about.... I can't fit it all in one blog!
Next thing I know, I'll be on the plane and on my way. Yipeeee!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I think I might cry today
I know what I said in the previous post about choosing to be happy but I think I just may cry today.
Currently I am the only person in my office. Literally.
My head cannot hold all of these hats!
Customer Care Manager
Office Manager
Knower of everything
Fuck. I need a raise.
Is it Friday yet????
Currently I am the only person in my office. Literally.
My head cannot hold all of these hats!
Customer Care Manager
Office Manager
Knower of everything
Fuck. I need a raise.
Is it Friday yet????
Daily Love
Here are a few of my faves from this week...
March 23rd...
"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change."
- Katharine Hepburn, iconic film actress.
"I've realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around, but you have to be happy. When I get logical and I don't trust my instincts - That's when I get in trouble."
- Angelina Jolie, one bad ass mama.
After the first statement she kind of loses me but I wanted to share this because I live by it. A person has the power to perceive situations as they want. Something as small as being interrupted while in the middle of a task - I can choose to be annoyed, disconnected, and short which will only make me even more annoyed as the person doesn't go away and hurt them because I'm plain being a bitch. OR I can sit back, step away from my task and give them the full attention they deserve. I choose to be happy that they're there.
Small acts like this lead to a happy life because there is little to be annoyed at!
March 22nd...
March 23rd...
"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change."
- Katharine Hepburn, iconic film actress.
"I've realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around, but you have to be happy. When I get logical and I don't trust my instincts - That's when I get in trouble."
- Angelina Jolie, one bad ass mama.
After the first statement she kind of loses me but I wanted to share this because I live by it. A person has the power to perceive situations as they want. Something as small as being interrupted while in the middle of a task - I can choose to be annoyed, disconnected, and short which will only make me even more annoyed as the person doesn't go away and hurt them because I'm plain being a bitch. OR I can sit back, step away from my task and give them the full attention they deserve. I choose to be happy that they're there.
Small acts like this lead to a happy life because there is little to be annoyed at!
March 22nd...
There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love."
- Johnny Depp, the raddest actor of our generation.
Anything Johnny Depp says is genius. I love that man.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Achy breaky? wrist
Advil! Stat!
This wrist is achy, poppy, and sweaty. (Thank goodness for Febreze!)
Went and got my xray this morning. Honestly I was excited since I had never had one before. Something about seeing them in eppies of Greys glamified them for me. But.... not so glam. In fact, pretty lame.
AND I don't even get to take my slides home. Was really hopin for that! Now must wait 48 hours for my doc to get them. I wonder if I'll have to wait for my next appointment to know anything.
So is it breaky? Or just achy? All I know is my wrist aches. It's tired. Especially from all the jewelry case lifting I did. And a little bit of Farmville farming (yes, i am finally admitting to you that I am a Farmville addict) This typing sure isn't helping, either but I know all of my hundreds of readers are dying to know what is on my mind. How can such a small little injury allow me to deprive them? Never!
Speaking of... How the F am I supposed to get readers. I have now submitted it to a half a dozen communities and directories, posted it on my FB page, and whored it out to my friends and on Buzz.
If you are reading this and have any advice, first of all, SUBSCRIBE. Second, could you post me a comment with a little advice?
All I can think of is whoring myself out on other people's blogs but that just feels tacky to me.
I'm not a super witty or comical genius, just a girl with a lot of thoughts and a kick ass typing speed. Can I get me some readers, please??
This wrist is achy, poppy, and sweaty. (Thank goodness for Febreze!)
Went and got my xray this morning. Honestly I was excited since I had never had one before. Something about seeing them in eppies of Greys glamified them for me. But.... not so glam. In fact, pretty lame.
AND I don't even get to take my slides home. Was really hopin for that! Now must wait 48 hours for my doc to get them. I wonder if I'll have to wait for my next appointment to know anything.
So is it breaky? Or just achy? All I know is my wrist aches. It's tired. Especially from all the jewelry case lifting I did. And a little bit of Farmville farming (yes, i am finally admitting to you that I am a Farmville addict) This typing sure isn't helping, either but I know all of my hundreds of readers are dying to know what is on my mind. How can such a small little injury allow me to deprive them? Never!
Speaking of... How the F am I supposed to get readers. I have now submitted it to a half a dozen communities and directories, posted it on my FB page, and whored it out to my friends and on Buzz.
If you are reading this and have any advice, first of all, SUBSCRIBE. Second, could you post me a comment with a little advice?
All I can think of is whoring myself out on other people's blogs but that just feels tacky to me.
I'm not a super witty or comical genius, just a girl with a lot of thoughts and a kick ass typing speed. Can I get me some readers, please??
Happy Hump Day
First I'll update you on yesterday's run. I was too damn pooped to
muster up enough energy to blog last night...
I took a different route - went north up Miller to Chapparal, then
swung back along the canal to Camelback and home. I have decided I
like running in the morning hours better than evening. Proof I am an
early bird at heart. I endured and forced smiles but honestly, it
wasn't as fun this time. Legs were tight even after 10 minutes of
stretching and the standard 5 minute warm up. But at least I got
relief from the dirt path and had quite a bit to take in.
This time of year the orange blossoms in Scottsdale are heavenly. This
makes even walking to your car enjoyable so imagine 30 minutes of
constant whiffs or sweet fragrant bliss. Add silhouetted palm trees and
the sun setting behind camelback mntn and you have one beautiful
Until.... Blech! My first bug in mouth experience! Hahaha I almost
died laughing at myself just in awe of everything around me, caught
in the moment of my growth and accomplishment and then all of a sudden
a bug swooped into my mouth with my inhalation.
Didn't eat him, luckily. He only made it to the back of my tongue
before I so gracefully spit him out. Too funny!
So I made it through my first set of longer stints alive, with only
very small problems with endurance which I think is a result of being
tired from the day.
Should I try a pre-work run tomorrow? That means up at 5:30 hmmm...
Okay so on to today. Check out this stunning necklace and earring set I'm wearing by Elements and Alloys, one of the phemnomenal designers at The Golden Barrel.
The design is Spheres, the necklace is in gold priced at $7,950 and the earrings are gold and silver, priced at $495.
I think they look pretty smart paired with my white button down, don't you?
muster up enough energy to blog last night...
I took a different route - went north up Miller to Chapparal, then
swung back along the canal to Camelback and home. I have decided I
like running in the morning hours better than evening. Proof I am an
early bird at heart. I endured and forced smiles but honestly, it
wasn't as fun this time. Legs were tight even after 10 minutes of
stretching and the standard 5 minute warm up. But at least I got
relief from the dirt path and had quite a bit to take in.
This time of year the orange blossoms in Scottsdale are heavenly. This
makes even walking to your car enjoyable so imagine 30 minutes of
constant whiffs or sweet fragrant bliss. Add silhouetted palm trees and
the sun setting behind camelback mntn and you have one beautiful
Until.... Blech! My first bug in mouth experience! Hahaha I almost
died laughing at myself just in awe of everything around me, caught
in the moment of my growth and accomplishment and then all of a sudden
a bug swooped into my mouth with my inhalation.
Didn't eat him, luckily. He only made it to the back of my tongue
before I so gracefully spit him out. Too funny!
So I made it through my first set of longer stints alive, with only
very small problems with endurance which I think is a result of being
tired from the day.
Should I try a pre-work run tomorrow? That means up at 5:30 hmmm...

The design is Spheres, the necklace is in gold priced at $7,950 and the earrings are gold and silver, priced at $495.
I think they look pretty smart paired with my white button down, don't you?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Could be more than a sprain...
A couple weeks ago I injured my wrist practicing yoga, yes, yoga!
In an hour and a half flow class we probably had to do about 30 cycles of downward dog, plank, chatarunga, upward dog. It flowed something like this:

There were various standing poses cycled in here and there for variation, but this was the core of the class. Amazing upper body workout but not so kind on the wrists...
I'm not sure if it was instant, but I definitely injured my wrist during the process. I figured it'd heal itself and I'd be fine.
Friday night at the wedding (which was amazingly fantastic btw) I did a lot of dancing. Got twirled a few too many times though, because I woke up at 4 a.m. to excruciating pain in my wrist. Dealt with it until Simon woke up and we walked down to CVS to get a splint.
Endured the pain on Saturday, and it seemed to gradually lighten up by Sunday night. I still made an appt. to see the doc - if it hurt that badly after two weeks, it definitely needed to be looked at.
So I went this afternoon, and diagnosis is a sprain but she wants me to go get an xray. Because there are so many little bones in the wrist, and she feels shifting in a few places. She thinks there is a possibility that they are rubbing against each other and could potentially have chipped. Specifically she is concerned about my hamate. So gonna go get the x-ray this week and we'll see.
The new doc is amazing, btw. The last guy was a jerk and needed to be replaced. I found her in Phoenix Magazine in their feature piece, top Phoenix docs of 2010. She is so wonderful. Not only did we go over my wrist in detail, but she did a complete physical and was really thorough on every point. I have this weird thing happen to me occasionally that I have loosely diagnosed as migraines: tunnel vision, skin crawling/tingling, disorientation, lights flashing, lead into fear and panic. She suggested a few things: migraine, panic attack, or even a seizure. She gave me advice on what to do next time and asked that I take notes and see her immediately. She is the first doctor to listen and offer answers and cares!! I can tell I found someone that will be a great fit for me! If you're looking for a new doc in the Scottsdale area, let me know!
In an hour and a half flow class we probably had to do about 30 cycles of downward dog, plank, chatarunga, upward dog. It flowed something like this:
There were various standing poses cycled in here and there for variation, but this was the core of the class. Amazing upper body workout but not so kind on the wrists...
I'm not sure if it was instant, but I definitely injured my wrist during the process. I figured it'd heal itself and I'd be fine.
Friday night at the wedding (which was amazingly fantastic btw) I did a lot of dancing. Got twirled a few too many times though, because I woke up at 4 a.m. to excruciating pain in my wrist. Dealt with it until Simon woke up and we walked down to CVS to get a splint.
Endured the pain on Saturday, and it seemed to gradually lighten up by Sunday night. I still made an appt. to see the doc - if it hurt that badly after two weeks, it definitely needed to be looked at.
So I went this afternoon, and diagnosis is a sprain but she wants me to go get an xray. Because there are so many little bones in the wrist, and she feels shifting in a few places. She thinks there is a possibility that they are rubbing against each other and could potentially have chipped. Specifically she is concerned about my hamate. So gonna go get the x-ray this week and we'll see.
The new doc is amazing, btw. The last guy was a jerk and needed to be replaced. I found her in Phoenix Magazine in their feature piece, top Phoenix docs of 2010. She is so wonderful. Not only did we go over my wrist in detail, but she did a complete physical and was really thorough on every point. I have this weird thing happen to me occasionally that I have loosely diagnosed as migraines: tunnel vision, skin crawling/tingling, disorientation, lights flashing, lead into fear and panic. She suggested a few things: migraine, panic attack, or even a seizure. She gave me advice on what to do next time and asked that I take notes and see her immediately. She is the first doctor to listen and offer answers and cares!! I can tell I found someone that will be a great fit for me! If you're looking for a new doc in the Scottsdale area, let me know!
Couchto5k - W2D3
I am kicking ass and taking names! I'm having fun, and getting my breath back and doing oh so well!
Last post I didn't have time to tell you that instead of switching to walking on my last interval, I challenged myself to run the rest of the way home. Whoop whoop I did it! The longest I have run non-stop since gym class, about 4 minutes!
The trick, I've realized, is to keep it slow. Originally I was sprinting, thinking I had to be "running" at almost full force. Not so good for endurance... But I have been consistent with my pace and have noticed I too am springy and graceful! I am not out of breath and fatigued, and my body feels wonderful!
The minor aches and pains are totally manageable. I just focus on my breath and music and push through with a smile.
So I have successfully completed two weeks of the program and am excited to start week three tomorrow! The intervals are getting more intricate - jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes, repeat. Can't wait!!
Last post I didn't have time to tell you that instead of switching to walking on my last interval, I challenged myself to run the rest of the way home. Whoop whoop I did it! The longest I have run non-stop since gym class, about 4 minutes!
The trick, I've realized, is to keep it slow. Originally I was sprinting, thinking I had to be "running" at almost full force. Not so good for endurance... But I have been consistent with my pace and have noticed I too am springy and graceful! I am not out of breath and fatigued, and my body feels wonderful!
The minor aches and pains are totally manageable. I just focus on my breath and music and push through with a smile.
So I have successfully completed two weeks of the program and am excited to start week three tomorrow! The intervals are getting more intricate - jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes, repeat. Can't wait!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
7 am run = amazing! Busy day gettin pretty fo the wedding so that's
all for now. xx
Sent from my iPhone
all for now. xx
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I had to skip my run yesterday for valid reasons. Plan was to go after
my hair appt but wedding stuff came up that had to be done. The MOH
and I went over to the bride's to do one last fitting and it was
beautiful! She looked absolutely stunning!
We hung out for a bit and met some out of towners, one of the
groomsmen and his wife. Great people!
She showed us all the decorations and they are so so cool!! She really
had an amazing vision and I can't wait to see it all pit together!
So after about an hour the MOH and I booked it to F21 to go get our
jewelry -gonna look saweet!!!
Finally got home at about 830 tired and hungry. I failed again by
stopping at Arbys fir their free St Patties Day Reuben. Which had to
be accompanied by curly fries and a soft drink. Delish! But oh so
I went to bed feeling guilty for skipping the run and piggin out. In
my last moments before sleep I promised myself I'd do the run at 7am
Friday. Problem solved
Here's where kharma stepped in - slept in past my alarm, lost one of
my contacts while putting it on forcing me to make a pair a single,
found out i forgot to edit my reoccuring transfer (easy fix but
equally annoying), and didn't have time to make coffee or breakfast
(which is probably a good thing considering the 800 calories I ate
late last night!)
Oh, and a friend just pointed out that I was wearing two different
earrings. Fml.
Not so sunny day... But it looks like the clouds are breaking. I
remembered that I had to break a pair of contacts about 4 months ago
so there was already a single with no friend, there was a honey
nectarine I left at work I could have for breakfast, GoGo Coffee will
be at my office at 9:15, and I have an extra pair of earrings in my
Life is good as an even Steven!
Nail appt at lunch and a quick tan session, rehearsal dinner tonight
an the big day tomorrow. Can't wait!!!
my hair appt but wedding stuff came up that had to be done. The MOH
and I went over to the bride's to do one last fitting and it was
beautiful! She looked absolutely stunning!
We hung out for a bit and met some out of towners, one of the
groomsmen and his wife. Great people!
She showed us all the decorations and they are so so cool!! She really
had an amazing vision and I can't wait to see it all pit together!
So after about an hour the MOH and I booked it to F21 to go get our
jewelry -gonna look saweet!!!
Finally got home at about 830 tired and hungry. I failed again by
stopping at Arbys fir their free St Patties Day Reuben. Which had to
be accompanied by curly fries and a soft drink. Delish! But oh so
I went to bed feeling guilty for skipping the run and piggin out. In
my last moments before sleep I promised myself I'd do the run at 7am
Friday. Problem solved
Here's where kharma stepped in - slept in past my alarm, lost one of
my contacts while putting it on forcing me to make a pair a single,
found out i forgot to edit my reoccuring transfer (easy fix but
equally annoying), and didn't have time to make coffee or breakfast
(which is probably a good thing considering the 800 calories I ate
late last night!)
Oh, and a friend just pointed out that I was wearing two different
earrings. Fml.
Not so sunny day... But it looks like the clouds are breaking. I
remembered that I had to break a pair of contacts about 4 months ago
so there was already a single with no friend, there was a honey
nectarine I left at work I could have for breakfast, GoGo Coffee will
be at my office at 9:15, and I have an extra pair of earrings in my
Life is good as an even Steven!
Nail appt at lunch and a quick tan session, rehearsal dinner tonight
an the big day tomorrow. Can't wait!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Beautify me!
T-minus 3 days until the Rubin/Nichols wedding and the primping has
begun! This girlie girl is not complaining either!
Tonight: tanning - a good friend that works at a salon hooked me up
with airbrushing. I am soooo tan! She did an awesome job.
Seriously I'm like Gilligan's Island tan (cant wait to see that movie
btw) and i look so skinny! this is so awkward, though! I feel like
I should just stand still until I can take a shower in the morning.
Can't touch anything or let it touch me otherwise it could smudge.
On the way home I put on my seat belt like a good little girl and it
rubbed my chest. It reminded me of Jessica Simpson's new show The
Price of Beauty - in it she traveled to Thailand and met a woman whose
face was bleached like MJ's from a whitening foundation (in Thailand
the paler the prettier/richer). Her husband left her and her singing
career ended. That was a price for beauty she paid and regrets.
I couldn't stop thinking of that driving home - here I was driving
without a seatbelt through rush hour traffic just to salvage a spray
tan. Silly.
But made it home unable to do anything productive other than eat
dinner, open a bottle of wine, and "relax" on towels on the couch
watching True Blood.
I will consider this endurance training for running. ;)
So we'll see If today's efforts of up at 5:30 for full body
exfoliation, shaving, and waxing and and evening of smelly
awkwardness. Sure am stoked to be tan! Even if it is fake!
Stay tuned - I bought a tanning package to tan through the airbrush,
and tomorrow I get a cut and highlight, nails the next day, then.
Friday the day of the wedding I'll be getting my hair and makeup done
by the cream of the crop (salon sandoval and MAC). Sure do love the
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begun! This girlie girl is not complaining either!
Tonight: tanning - a good friend that works at a salon hooked me up
with airbrushing. I am soooo tan! She did an awesome job.
Seriously I'm like Gilligan's Island tan (cant wait to see that movie
btw) and i look so skinny! this is so awkward, though! I feel like
I should just stand still until I can take a shower in the morning.
Can't touch anything or let it touch me otherwise it could smudge.
On the way home I put on my seat belt like a good little girl and it
rubbed my chest. It reminded me of Jessica Simpson's new show The
Price of Beauty - in it she traveled to Thailand and met a woman whose
face was bleached like MJ's from a whitening foundation (in Thailand
the paler the prettier/richer). Her husband left her and her singing
career ended. That was a price for beauty she paid and regrets.
I couldn't stop thinking of that driving home - here I was driving
without a seatbelt through rush hour traffic just to salvage a spray
tan. Silly.
But made it home unable to do anything productive other than eat
dinner, open a bottle of wine, and "relax" on towels on the couch
watching True Blood.
I will consider this endurance training for running. ;)
So we'll see If today's efforts of up at 5:30 for full body
exfoliation, shaving, and waxing and and evening of smelly
awkwardness. Sure am stoked to be tan! Even if it is fake!
Stay tuned - I bought a tanning package to tan through the airbrush,
and tomorrow I get a cut and highlight, nails the next day, then.
Friday the day of the wedding I'll be getting my hair and makeup done
by the cream of the crop (salon sandoval and MAC). Sure do love the
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, March 15, 2010
Couch to 5k - W2D1
Tonight was a great success! I was hardly short of breath at all throughout the whole time which I imagine is a result of slowing my pace as advised by various articles I glanced over today. One suggested inhaling for 3 steps and exhaling for 2. When I tried this I noticed that I was running quickly or taking slow breaths. So I slowed my roll and found that I could move along with greater ease.
However, my legs were not happy tonight. Have some mild shin splints but I know that is because I barely stretched beforehand. I figured since I just walked around Target for 45 minutes I was already warmed up! haha
Overall I really enjoyed it tonight! Got a late start which gave me the opportunity to watch the sunset and catch some cooler weather - 85 today!
In other news... I had a great find at My Sister's Attic - a chair for the downstairs desk! finally! Only $25, add a cushion and voila! Very happy with this little treasure. It's quite comfy! A little lower than I originally wanted but it ended up being a perfect height for working on a laptop. Love how everything always works itself out. =)
However, my legs were not happy tonight. Have some mild shin splints but I know that is because I barely stretched beforehand. I figured since I just walked around Target for 45 minutes I was already warmed up! haha
Overall I really enjoyed it tonight! Got a late start which gave me the opportunity to watch the sunset and catch some cooler weather - 85 today!
Couch to 5k,
even steven,
Sunny day
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You will probably find a post here and there of my favorites. Read and be inspired.
"I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will."
- Clint Eastwood
Couch to 5K - 1 week in
Last week I stumbled across a fantastic iPhone app called Couch to 5k in the search for an interval training podcast or app. For $2.99 you can't beat it!
To give you a little background, I am not a runner. Never have been and never thought I would be. I was more interested in art and partying than anything athletic through high school and college and was also a smoker. I quit smoking about a year ago and feel amazing! Almost every day I go through life without even thinking about cigarettes - only triggered by other people smoking. My immediate reaction is "Blech! I am so glad I quit!" I can't even picture myself as a smoker since not smoking comes so naturally. Even after a year, I still suffer from shortness of breath. The only way to fix that is to get active and get this body in shape!
Enter "Couch to 5k." A 9 week training program set out to get you from couch potato to running a 5k non-stop using a graduated interval method done 3 days a week. It will be perfect timing for our trip to England - hopefully along this quest to a healthier me I will trim down as well! I'm 5'5" and fluctuate between 145 and 150 - not overweight by technical definitions but I bit more weight than I would like to be carrying around.
Week one...warmup 5 min, run 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, cool down 5 min...total time 30 min
March 9th = W1D1 Got home from work around 6, changed and hit the road not far after. Recently I moved to downtown Scottsdale so this is also a fun opportunity for me to explore my new neighborhood. Considering my OCD planning behavior I have decided to just run aimlessly, making turns as the moment inspires me. Wandered through the neighborhood and then into downtown, passing a few of my favorite spots. Note to self: running past restaurants, bars and clubs equals great motivation!
March 12th = W1D2 The program suggests running every other day but I worked until 8:30 on Thursday so day two had to wait until Friday. It was a little nicer out this day so I was able to wear shorts and a tee. Took a lap around the other way, going through the park this time. I noticed a shortcut to the backside of a nice little community of houses I wanted to snoop on so I cut left off the trail and through a marsh. 5 strides in my logic kicked in and I realized I could have a run in with a rattlesnake or two. What was I thinking! This is the moment where my adrenalin spiked and amazingly my fatigue vanished. I sprinted knees up across that marsh, even after the guy told me to start walking! Forget that, I'm gettin outta here! lol Lesson of the day: it's all in my head. Now, let's see if I can maintain this as a mantra...
Returned home this day with Simon and his mom having a drink on the patio. Well, it is Friday evening... Why not! ;)
March 13th = W1D3 Didn't skip a day this time and went out Saturday morning, this time bringing Simon along. Simon grew up in England and, as expected, played "football" as a kid and in high school. So of course, he is a natural runner and still has great endurance, even if he is a bit out of shape right now. I loved being able to go out and do this with him. Not only did I get some great one on one time with him but I was also able to learn, too. Watching him in is graceful springy stride was motivating. Lesson of the day: learn proper technique!
How I felt:
HEAVY! Out of breath and fatigued. I had a quick recovery between intervals thankfully! It seemed as if I was ready to quit right when the app told me to start walking.
What's on my mind:
Get new shoes? Mine are comfy but they're cross trainers
How's my technique? I asked Simon how I looked - was I awkward or sloppy? Any advice? He said I look great except the way I plant my feet is different than he does. He puts heel first and springs up from his toe while I land on the ball of my feet. Maybe this is why i'm feeling so fatigued! Was doing some research and found an article that says otherwise. It directed me to what is called the Pose Method that argues the tried method of heel first claiming that it gives too much impact while ball of the foot first allows the runner to spring forward. I'm going to try heel first next time and play around with what feels best.
Looking forward to week two - longer stints of running and walking, but still keeping the same ratio of 1:2 respectively. Wish me luck!
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