It was a gorgeous morning and a beautiful run!

This week has been fantastic, I have really felt challenged which I like. Last week felt like cake in comparison so I am encouraged that each stint of the program will feel the same.
I'm not as at ease with my breath but I have learned how to eliminate the pain in my legs - 2 advil before I start and plenty of stretching.
It's hard to keep up with Simon since I've slowed my pace but I'm trying to build my endurance, not win a race. And he is conscious of it and was so great to slow down to keep pace. I did have to keep reminding myself, though, that if I need to go slow then that is just fine. The important part is that I don't give up in the middle of an interval. So far so good!
Also, I have been adding 1-2 minutes this week after the last interval of 3 minutes of walking. I feel like 8 minutes of walking is boring me! Good sign!
Overall it was a great day (and an accomplished week in the program!)
Sara - Here is my coordinated hat for ya ;)
After the run we stopped by Scratch Pastries for coffee, one of our new favorite places walking distance to the place. Hung out on the patio and I got to chat with my Dad for a bit on the phone.
We swung by TJ Maxx - the dangerous part of where we live is how close we are to this!! - and then came home to clean up and have some breakfast. Simon makes a mean breakfast sandwich! Yumm!
And what could possibly top off this already promising Saturday? Going poolside!
71 degrees, that felt like 80 and a few dos equis and I'm in heaven!
Pool was way too cold but didn't need it, really. Just turned on the tunes and read my mag and life is good. Also got to chat with my dear, dear friend DJ who I think needs to make a visit ASAP!
But, life is hard poolside and it can get old when you run out of beer so I meandered inside to do a bit of blogging and catching up on DVR. Oh Grey's Anatomy, how much I love you so....
Hope you all enjoyed your Saturday afternoon, too!
Cute! You should have logged the park and scratch too! lol this thing is goign to get funny! But really good for you, that you are running so much!
ReplyDeleteOh, I totally did! lol I heart Foursquare!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks! It is a really awesome program and it is effortless to keep up with it and follow along. You should totally get it on your itouch!
Sundays afternoons are the best! It's the one day a week I don't feel guilty to do EXACTLY what I want.. 100& freedom and relaxation!