Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Winning feels so good, even if it isn't free!

On a hunt for cute and comfortable flats for my upcoming trip to England considering the amount of walking we'll be doing. So for evenings I'm looking for some cute and comfortable flats and daytime some casual sneakers (I refuse to wear my clunky running shoes!)

My biggest problem is finding something that fits. My feet are retarded. A perfect fit is between a 7 1/2 regular and an 8 or 8 1/2 narrow. Oh, and I have high arches. It's quite annoying and my feet are rarely happy.

That aside, I also try to find everything for free because I hate spending full or even half-price for anything.  (Thank you Younkers for employing me and teaching me this important lesson through yellow dot sales)

I live across from TJ Maxx (trouble) and the other day while window shopping (good girl!), I found these adorable leather skimmers.  Slipped them on and it was heaven.  But.... they were $40.  Wore them around the store pondering if I should and decided no.  Even though they retail for $80+.

Seriously, I have not been able to stop thinking about them it's a little sad.  

Since I can't bring myself to fork that amount out, I've been perusing ebay for Me Too shoes (the brand that the oh so coveted skimmers are) and found a super cute pair for $10.  I clicked watch this item and waited.  And waited.  And finally got that handy little notification (thank you ebay app) reminding me that the item is ending soon.  5 hours?  That's close enough that I feel confident making a bid!  $10.50!

And I wait.  And I wait.  And POW!  I WON!  Hells bells I'm so excited!  Here they are:

My party pooper of a co-worker pointed out that I didn't really "win" them since I have to pay.  WRONG!  Winning feels so good, even if it isn't free!

And I'm not stopping there - I have allowed myself one more shoe purchase and I am seriously wanting these... 

Cole Haan Nike Air G Series.  $12.99.  Need I say more.


There is also another pair of Me Toos for FIFTY CENTS! but who know what will happen in the next 9 days its up for auction.  Hopefully not too much because they're pretty darn close to the original find at TJ Maxx but red!  If those stay low enough, I may allow myself TWO more pairs! 

Hell, If all I wear all week are jeans, a tee, and a cardi I'll be just fine so long as I have room for all my shoes! haha

Wish me luck!  

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