The recent passing of the controversial immigration bill in Arizona has raised quite the stink nationwide. And it should. This is a nationwide problem!
Considering that Arizona is one of the largest contributing states as passage for illegal immigration, it must act aggressively and in doing so risk offending people. Not to be cold-hearted, but this is all about the big picture and unfortunately big change will hurt people along the way.
Nothing will EVER change if we try to make everyone happy.
I repeat, the racial profiling is offensive. But come on people, if you aren't doing anything illegal, then you should have no fear... And there are many Hispanic residents of Arizona, here naturally and those that have immigrated legally, that are welcome. I have faith that law enforcement will not go door to door raiding homes as if this were the holocaust!
So everyone is angry and we ALL are entitled to our opinions as people. Anger and Support are both justified and we all should be respected. Progress comes from being able to see both sides.
Here is my topic of focus today: a total boycott of Arizona is completely intangible. Now, since it's summer, everyone is leaving anyways so it's easy for people to say they won't visit Arizona in boycott but that is just convenient. They already planned to be in their midwest and eastern summer homes anyways.
But not buying food at the concession stand at a Diamondbacks game (in Chicago) doesn't hurt AZ, it actually hurts Chicago.
And what about these ginormous manufacturers such as Honeywell, Intel, and others shown on this Arizona Industry resource? Stop being a passenger in an airplane, a user of technology, or a caller to friends and family that have motorola phones. I dare you.
I mean this is just silly, guilt by branding. "Don't Boycott Arizona Iced Tea, We're Not From Arizona!" People just jumping on the "I despise Arizona" bandwagon.
I support people who want to voice their opinions and stand by their convictions but let's be realistic here, America. Do you really think you can boycott a state and all that it produces?
Disclaimer: This post in no way represents that I have a poor opinion of others based on race or creed. I believe in LEGAL immigration!
An optimistic even steven's noteworthy rants, events, thoughts, obsessions, successes, and disasters
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Into Week 7
Today began week 7 of Couch to 5K. I am in awe of my continued dedication to this program. Normally, I get uber excited and giddy about a new project, ambition, routine, whatever and once I get into it I become so bored and down right lazy. Not this time!! I have made it through 6 weeks of mental and physical struggle and I'm still going strong!
And it is paying off! My waist is reappearing woo hoo! I was standing with my hand on my waist and when I laughed at something I felt my muscles flex; they are so strong! Clothes are fitting better and my posture is improving! Oh my and my ass, my ASS!! My co-worker complimented on how great it looked - "Oh! Your little tushy is like a shelf!" What? My ass has always been flat. This is fantastic! And to put the cherry on top, Simon said to me last night, (while doing a little man handling *wink wink*) that my ass feels tighter. Score!
What's even better? All I have been doing is the program, with maybe a sporadic and infrequent Pilates routine or light free weights here and there. I am amazed at how running has increased my core strength. Keeping those abs tight, head high, and entire body active throughout the entire stretch!
Fuck yeah!
A new obstacle has presented itself - Arizona heat. The era of evening workouts has ceased (since I don't have, and can't afford, a gym membership) so my alarm is now set to 5:15 M, W, F. Ugh. BUT as soon as I can get my lazy ass out of bed (Simon can attest for my tremendous lack of ability to get out of bed in the morning), get dressed, stretched, hydrated, and fueled - I'm out the door with a huge grin on my face! Air is brisk, birds are chirping, and everyone you meet wishes you a good morning. Life is good!
I have been trying something else new: Sprint/Jog Intervals. Not too sure what pace I'm at since I don't use a treadmill. I participate in a forum about the program and everyone seems to be going at 4.5 mph. They say that they're barely at a 10 minute mile and based on how far I go, I estimate that I am, too. (I've been using Map My Run to track this).
So my dear friend Sarah suggested I start doing intervals of sprints to boost my speed and so far it's working great! Rather than, timed intervals I am setting markers such as light posts, turns in the path, trees, etc. It's so great!
This morning I really pushed it on my sprints with long and strong strides. It surprisingly feels more comfortable to take longer strides, but my body isn't ready for non-stop efforts of this magnitude. Just need more practice and to build up my leg strength.
After the program is over, I thought about maybe starting over but instead of doing walk/run do jog/sprint on the same schedule. We'll see. First step is to complete this round and I'm less than 3 weeks away!
And it is paying off! My waist is reappearing woo hoo! I was standing with my hand on my waist and when I laughed at something I felt my muscles flex; they are so strong! Clothes are fitting better and my posture is improving! Oh my and my ass, my ASS!! My co-worker complimented on how great it looked - "Oh! Your little tushy is like a shelf!" What? My ass has always been flat. This is fantastic! And to put the cherry on top, Simon said to me last night, (while doing a little man handling *wink wink*) that my ass feels tighter. Score!
What's even better? All I have been doing is the program, with maybe a sporadic and infrequent Pilates routine or light free weights here and there. I am amazed at how running has increased my core strength. Keeping those abs tight, head high, and entire body active throughout the entire stretch!
Fuck yeah!
A new obstacle has presented itself - Arizona heat. The era of evening workouts has ceased (since I don't have, and can't afford, a gym membership) so my alarm is now set to 5:15 M, W, F. Ugh. BUT as soon as I can get my lazy ass out of bed (Simon can attest for my tremendous lack of ability to get out of bed in the morning), get dressed, stretched, hydrated, and fueled - I'm out the door with a huge grin on my face! Air is brisk, birds are chirping, and everyone you meet wishes you a good morning. Life is good!
I have been trying something else new: Sprint/Jog Intervals. Not too sure what pace I'm at since I don't use a treadmill. I participate in a forum about the program and everyone seems to be going at 4.5 mph. They say that they're barely at a 10 minute mile and based on how far I go, I estimate that I am, too. (I've been using Map My Run to track this).
So my dear friend Sarah suggested I start doing intervals of sprints to boost my speed and so far it's working great! Rather than, timed intervals I am setting markers such as light posts, turns in the path, trees, etc. It's so great!
This morning I really pushed it on my sprints with long and strong strides. It surprisingly feels more comfortable to take longer strides, but my body isn't ready for non-stop efforts of this magnitude. Just need more practice and to build up my leg strength.
After the program is over, I thought about maybe starting over but instead of doing walk/run do jog/sprint on the same schedule. We'll see. First step is to complete this round and I'm less than 3 weeks away!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A run on a rainy day
Week 6, Day 2 - I found some relief from the heat and the weather gave me a rainy day! I only felt a few sprinkles but the cloudy sky, random puddles, and cool temps made for a perfect evening to be out on the path!

The person with the PIP car apparently has a friend that drives my childhood dream car - sea foam green classic beetle - got close with my apple green new beetle!
Funny thing is, an old friend drove this exact one, with the rack and all... Wonder if it's him!
The first day I ran this route I saw this statue and was so startled! One of the fun things to do while out and about is snoop on people's patios - I swore to God at that moment this was a person, maybe an aboriginal, and here I was staring at him.
Phew! It's just a statue of an ape. Cracks me up!
This is a view of the golf course I run along - this was a beautiful view in person with the cloudy sky and then the illuminated mountains on the horizon...
(Sorry for the poor lighting)
Love a stormy sky....

The person with the PIP car apparently has a friend that drives my childhood dream car - sea foam green classic beetle - got close with my apple green new beetle!
Funny thing is, an old friend drove this exact one, with the rack and all... Wonder if it's him!
The first day I ran this route I saw this statue and was so startled! One of the fun things to do while out and about is snoop on people's patios - I swore to God at that moment this was a person, maybe an aboriginal, and here I was staring at him.
Phew! It's just a statue of an ape. Cracks me up!
This is a view of the golf course I run along - this was a beautiful view in person with the cloudy sky and then the illuminated mountains on the horizon...
(Sorry for the poor lighting)
Love a stormy sky....
Friday, April 23, 2010
I rarely speak out about political issues. I keep to myself and hardly ever speak out, whether in protest or agreement. But this issue I feel like giving my two cents, whether you agree or not.
I think this is a good move. When traveling to another country, do you not carry your proof of citizenship at all times? Why not while living in a country that you are not a citizen?
This morning, Phoenix was a sanctuary for illegal immigrants and it has proved to be a problem. A Sanctuary City is one that law enforcement is forbidden by city ordinance from calling immigration when they arrest someone they know is an illegal. No longer.
Today SB1070 was passed and I have yet to see any support in media and on social networking sites... It allows law enforcement to perform checks upon "reasonable suspicion" that a person may be illegal.
Our law enforcement should have the right to enforce law, do they not? They have the right to question someone that they suspect is breaking that law. If you're not breaking the law, then you should have no fear.
From what I have seen and heard is that the people are fearful of racial profiling and brut and force by police (which statements have been made that this is NOT their motive)
I understand a tremendous amount of people are offended that this will lead to racial profiling. Well, I'm sorry, but we have hundreds even thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico living and working ILLEGALLY, eating up tax dollars and taking our jobs. There is a fact that exists: people from certain areas of the world have similar physical characteristics and if that is a queue that someone COULD be from that area and COULD be here illegally, why not save taxpayers money and use logic?
When I went to Mexico, Spain, Italy, even Hawaii, I was racially profiled as an American because I am fair skinned and blonde, some instances I was even harassed. Sure can give it but not take it, huh?
In my opinion they're just trying to solve a problem in an efficient way.
Honestly, I wonder if the fear is that most of their friends and families can't hide in plain sight any longer. I highly doubt there will be violence for no apparent reason.
So Phoenix remains an Oasis in the desert but no longer is a sanctuary for illegals. Word on the street is a lot of hispanic families will be moving.
Queue angry comments.
Disclaimer: This post in no way represents that I have a poor opinion of others based on race or creed.
I think this is a good move. When traveling to another country, do you not carry your proof of citizenship at all times? Why not while living in a country that you are not a citizen?
This morning, Phoenix was a sanctuary for illegal immigrants and it has proved to be a problem. A Sanctuary City is one that law enforcement is forbidden by city ordinance from calling immigration when they arrest someone they know is an illegal. No longer.
Today SB1070 was passed and I have yet to see any support in media and on social networking sites... It allows law enforcement to perform checks upon "reasonable suspicion" that a person may be illegal.
Our law enforcement should have the right to enforce law, do they not? They have the right to question someone that they suspect is breaking that law. If you're not breaking the law, then you should have no fear.
From what I have seen and heard is that the people are fearful of racial profiling and brut and force by police (which statements have been made that this is NOT their motive)
I understand a tremendous amount of people are offended that this will lead to racial profiling. Well, I'm sorry, but we have hundreds even thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico living and working ILLEGALLY, eating up tax dollars and taking our jobs. There is a fact that exists: people from certain areas of the world have similar physical characteristics and if that is a queue that someone COULD be from that area and COULD be here illegally, why not save taxpayers money and use logic?
When I went to Mexico, Spain, Italy, even Hawaii, I was racially profiled as an American because I am fair skinned and blonde, some instances I was even harassed. Sure can give it but not take it, huh?
In my opinion they're just trying to solve a problem in an efficient way.
Honestly, I wonder if the fear is that most of their friends and families can't hide in plain sight any longer. I highly doubt there will be violence for no apparent reason.
So Phoenix remains an Oasis in the desert but no longer is a sanctuary for illegals. Word on the street is a lot of hispanic families will be moving.
Queue angry comments.
Disclaimer: This post in no way represents that I have a poor opinion of others based on race or creed.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Winning feels so good, even if it isn't free!
On a hunt for cute and comfortable flats for my upcoming trip to England considering the amount of walking we'll be doing. So for evenings I'm looking for some cute and comfortable flats and daytime some casual sneakers (I refuse to wear my clunky running shoes!)
My biggest problem is finding something that fits. My feet are retarded. A perfect fit is between a 7 1/2 regular and an 8 or 8 1/2 narrow. Oh, and I have high arches. It's quite annoying and my feet are rarely happy.
That aside, I also try to find everything for free because I hate spending full or even half-price for anything. (Thank you Younkers for employing me and teaching me this important lesson through yellow dot sales)
I live across from TJ Maxx (trouble) and the other day while window shopping (good girl!), I found these adorable leather skimmers. Slipped them on and it was heaven. But.... they were $40. Wore them around the store pondering if I should and decided no. Even though they retail for $80+.
Seriously, I have not been able to stop thinking about them it's a little sad.
Since I can't bring myself to fork that amount out, I've been perusing ebay for Me Too shoes (the brand that the oh so coveted skimmers are) and found a super cute pair for $10. I clicked watch this item and waited. And waited. And finally got that handy little notification (thank you ebay app) reminding me that the item is ending soon. 5 hours? That's close enough that I feel confident making a bid! $10.50!
And I wait. And I wait. And POW! I WON! Hells bells I'm so excited! Here they are:
My party pooper of a co-worker pointed out that I didn't really "win" them since I have to pay. WRONG! Winning feels so good, even if it isn't free!
And I'm not stopping there - I have allowed myself one more shoe purchase and I am seriously wanting these...
My biggest problem is finding something that fits. My feet are retarded. A perfect fit is between a 7 1/2 regular and an 8 or 8 1/2 narrow. Oh, and I have high arches. It's quite annoying and my feet are rarely happy.
That aside, I also try to find everything for free because I hate spending full or even half-price for anything. (Thank you Younkers for employing me and teaching me this important lesson through yellow dot sales)
I live across from TJ Maxx (trouble) and the other day while window shopping (good girl!), I found these adorable leather skimmers. Slipped them on and it was heaven. But.... they were $40. Wore them around the store pondering if I should and decided no. Even though they retail for $80+.
Seriously, I have not been able to stop thinking about them it's a little sad.
Since I can't bring myself to fork that amount out, I've been perusing ebay for Me Too shoes (the brand that the oh so coveted skimmers are) and found a super cute pair for $10. I clicked watch this item and waited. And waited. And finally got that handy little notification (thank you ebay app) reminding me that the item is ending soon. 5 hours? That's close enough that I feel confident making a bid! $10.50!
And I wait. And I wait. And POW! I WON! Hells bells I'm so excited! Here they are:
My party pooper of a co-worker pointed out that I didn't really "win" them since I have to pay. WRONG! Winning feels so good, even if it isn't free!
And I'm not stopping there - I have allowed myself one more shoe purchase and I am seriously wanting these...
Cole Haan Nike Air G Series. $12.99. Need I say more.
There is also another pair of Me Toos for FIFTY CENTS! but who know what will happen in the next 9 days its up for auction. Hopefully not too much because they're pretty darn close to the original find at TJ Maxx but red! If those stay low enough, I may allow myself TWO more pairs!
Hell, If all I wear all week are jeans, a tee, and a cardi I'll be just fine so long as I have room for all my shoes! haha
Wish me luck!
Simon + Morgan turn 2 today
It was a typical night in Rocky Point - groups of Arizonian 20 somethings hit the town for some good old debauchery in party town Mexico.
I went with a group of friends and knew of another group that was going to be there the same weekend. Of course, cell service is shit so I didn't really expect that I'd get to meet up with them.
But to my amazement while we were at Manny's I ran into them! I knew that it was going to be an amazing night out! We merged groups and walked over to Pink Cadillac.
Per usual, I was glued to the dance floor and noticed this really cute guy wearing a pink shirt and pink sunglasses. Gave him the come hither glance and we started dancing.
But I have an issue with dancing right up against someone for too long; I need room to dance! So I stepped away slightly and he took it as me being uninterested. He eventually wandered away. Damn it.
Come to find out, he is there with the group that I knew and ran into! We all ended up hanging out into the night and I let him and his friend crash on the patio at our resort. Next morning we thought, hey, it's Mexico, let's go get some beer and head down to the pool! We were having so much fun but it was time for me to hit the road back home (boo!). Simon offered to bring me home with him later that day so I talked with my friends that I drove down with and all was good. Woo hoo! One more day in Mexico!
Simon, his friend, and I wandered around town exploring and stopped at a few of his favorite places. The last stop was JJ's Cantina in Cholla Bay. After relaxing and chatting on the patio overlooking the bay, it was time to head home. We headed to the car but his friend didn't come right away - as we were waiting in the car - Simon got really close and told me that he really liked me and wanted to see me again. Then he kissed me. The best, most amazing, sweetest first kiss in the world. (I don't care how good anyone else's was - ours is THE best).
Butterflies went crazy in my heart and stomach and my knees and toes went all tingly. Reminiscing of this makes me feel so giddy!
It was one of the best afternoons, I felt so safe and happy around him - I knew this guy was really something to me.
Looks like I was right ;)

Come to find out, he is there with the group that I knew and ran into! We all ended up hanging out into the night and I let him and his friend crash on the patio at our resort. Next morning we thought, hey, it's Mexico, let's go get some beer and head down to the pool! We were having so much fun but it was time for me to hit the road back home (boo!). Simon offered to bring me home with him later that day so I talked with my friends that I drove down with and all was good. Woo hoo! One more day in Mexico!
Simon, his friend, and I wandered around town exploring and stopped at a few of his favorite places. The last stop was JJ's Cantina in Cholla Bay. After relaxing and chatting on the patio overlooking the bay, it was time to head home. We headed to the car but his friend didn't come right away - as we were waiting in the car - Simon got really close and told me that he really liked me and wanted to see me again. Then he kissed me. The best, most amazing, sweetest first kiss in the world. (I don't care how good anyone else's was - ours is THE best).
Butterflies went crazy in my heart and stomach and my knees and toes went all tingly. Reminiscing of this makes me feel so giddy!
It was one of the best afternoons, I felt so safe and happy around him - I knew this guy was really something to me.
Looks like I was right ;)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hold on to your seats, kids! I ran NON-STOP for TWENTY ONE AND A HALF minutes! That is longer than the program called for, granted it was only a minute and a half longer, but that is super exciting!
See, I wasn't feelin the music so I was messing around on my ipod. If you leave the app, it pauses the workout, but I kept running as not to mess with my flow.
I felt awesome all through it, and I even had a few beers the night before. Imagine if I hadn't!
Breath was natural and legs were strong. And then, it was time to walk. This is where I felt the jell-o in my legs take over. Note to self. Don't stop! haha
But really, this has officially burned into my psyche that the vast majority of running abilities is in my head. I've always known but I think one just has to experience it to really learn how to manage it.
A friend had invited me to do Pat's Run that was this day and I had considered it for about 30 seconds but chickened out. Now, after completing this segment, I know I could have done it and I would have enjoyed it. I was just scared. Next year I'll do it for sure! It's only 4.2 miles and has all levels of runners, and walkers.
I am feeling regretful that I didn't go for it but even so, here this ex-smoker couch-potato went from running 8 minutes non-stop to 21:30. Pretty amazing what a little practice and jedi mind tricks can do...
Two more sessions of intervals then it's gradually gonna increase from 25 to 30 minutes. Only 4 weeks left!
See, I wasn't feelin the music so I was messing around on my ipod. If you leave the app, it pauses the workout, but I kept running as not to mess with my flow.
I felt awesome all through it, and I even had a few beers the night before. Imagine if I hadn't!
Breath was natural and legs were strong. And then, it was time to walk. This is where I felt the jell-o in my legs take over. Note to self. Don't stop! haha
But really, this has officially burned into my psyche that the vast majority of running abilities is in my head. I've always known but I think one just has to experience it to really learn how to manage it.
A friend had invited me to do Pat's Run that was this day and I had considered it for about 30 seconds but chickened out. Now, after completing this segment, I know I could have done it and I would have enjoyed it. I was just scared. Next year I'll do it for sure! It's only 4.2 miles and has all levels of runners, and walkers.
I am feeling regretful that I didn't go for it but even so, here this ex-smoker couch-potato went from running 8 minutes non-stop to 21:30. Pretty amazing what a little practice and jedi mind tricks can do...
Two more sessions of intervals then it's gradually gonna increase from 25 to 30 minutes. Only 4 weeks left!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Why running is so awesome
- It's outside and free
- I get to listen to music
- There is nature and animals all around me
- There is no machinery assisting my efforts. It's all me, baby!
- When I do well, I feel amazing - huge confidence boost
- When I suck, I am motivated to do better
- Sunshine
- Feeling accomplished and unstoppable when done
- Knowing, and FEELING, physical improvements in my muscles and breath
- Having the next challenge to look forward to
- Exploring is fun!
- People watching is great!
- There is no TV or computer or game distracting me
- It makes me feel normal and not such a lazy couch potato
- Fresh air
- Movement
- Healthy obsession/addiction
- Saying hello and smiling to complete strangers
- Knowing that someday I will be good at it
And the number 1 reason why I think running is awesome:
- It's the only thing I do that I'm not multi-tasking. And I don't over analyze life. I spend all of my thoughts on the moment. I can focus 100% on one thing and that is pretty fucking amazing for me.
Exciting news.... Jenn started the program yesterday! Go Jenn!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I just ran 8 minutes straight!!!! Twice! And loved it!!! Not lying.
Saturday I did W5D1, which was 3 intervals of 5 minutes. Also amazing!
Only issue I still have is feeling slow and beating myself up for it.
There are a lot of people on the trail and I imagine they're all
training for the Tilman on Saturday. These fit, lean, dressed to the T
when it comes to running gear are flying by me. I keep reminding
myself that they were slow one day, too. Someday I will do better! I
just need to keep at it!
I am also really excited about a new podcast I just found - it is
: pumpin cardio. The episode I downloaded has an Indian or Middle
Eastern vibe to it and the beats are fantastic. Really helped me keep
my feet moving!
And now I will share with you something I covet every time I do my
run. A VW Karmann Ghia. Just like Andy in PIP drove. Paint this baby
the pink hers was and I am buyin!! Isn't this car amazing? I think
my heart flutters every time I go by.... Me wants!!!!!!!
Saturday I did W5D1, which was 3 intervals of 5 minutes. Also amazing!
Only issue I still have is feeling slow and beating myself up for it.
There are a lot of people on the trail and I imagine they're all
training for the Tilman on Saturday. These fit, lean, dressed to the T
when it comes to running gear are flying by me. I keep reminding
myself that they were slow one day, too. Someday I will do better! I
just need to keep at it!
I am also really excited about a new podcast I just found - it is
: pumpin cardio. The episode I downloaded has an Indian or Middle
Eastern vibe to it and the beats are fantastic. Really helped me keep
my feet moving!
And now I will share with you something I covet every time I do my
run. A VW Karmann Ghia. Just like Andy in PIP drove. Paint this baby
the pink hers was and I am buyin!! Isn't this car amazing? I think
my heart flutters every time I go by.... Me wants!!!!!!!
What happened to etiquette?
I'm uber annoyed about this subject so I'm gonna step up onto my soapbox for a minute or two...
My recent pet peeve has become RSVPing. The past dozen events I have been involved with, host and guest alike, have had too many people, and most of them consistently, disregard the concept of "RSVP."
RSVP is a French acronym meaning "Respondez S'il Vous Plait" aka "Please Respond." Simple, right? Well, apparently not. I suppose one could take it too literally - I responded initially, so no reason to tell them my plans have changed. Wrong. In the complicated world of proper etiquette, there are unstated expectations.
Here are a few from the host's perspective regarding invitations that I think are key:
Every event has them. The people that say they'll come and don't show. Being a person that will always be upfront about being a yes, maybe, or no and considerate enough to advise the person if my yes turns into a no, I cannot fathom how others cannot.
eHow puts it simply:
Here is why:
1. the customs or rules governing behaviour regarded as correct or acceptable in social or official life
2. a conventional but unwritten code of practice followed by members of any of certain professions or groupsIt seems that that so many have forgotten how important proper etiquette is in so many situations. The cardinal rule, I believe, is acting in a manner that demonstrates consideration for others. Follow this, and you should fall within the boundaries of proper etiquette in any scenario.
My recent pet peeve has become RSVPing. The past dozen events I have been involved with, host and guest alike, have had too many people, and most of them consistently, disregard the concept of "RSVP."
RSVP is a French acronym meaning "Respondez S'il Vous Plait" aka "Please Respond." Simple, right? Well, apparently not. I suppose one could take it too literally - I responded initially, so no reason to tell them my plans have changed. Wrong. In the complicated world of proper etiquette, there are unstated expectations.
Here are a few from the host's perspective regarding invitations that I think are key:
- Send out invitation 3 weeks prior to the event. This allows your guests ample amount of time to check their calendars and make appropriate arrangements.
- Within the invitation, advise your guests what refreshments and food will be provided and what they should bring, if anything.
- Give directions.
- Provide your contact information.
- Ask your guests to RSVP.
- Send out a reminder or two - really, this should be a courtesy shortly before
- RSVP in a timely manner and update your response if it changes
- Show up and have a good time
Every event has them. The people that say they'll come and don't show. Being a person that will always be upfront about being a yes, maybe, or no and considerate enough to advise the person if my yes turns into a no, I cannot fathom how others cannot.
eHow puts it simply:
Do not answer yes to the RSVP and fail to show up. Only a matter of serious illness or death should keep you away. It is bad etiquette and rude to RSVP stating you will attend and not show up.But why do so many people do it? Is it laziness? Lack of consideration? Forgetfulness? Forgetfulness can easily be forgiven, if a fluke, but if you're a repeat offender for being flaky or a no-show you just come across as rude and a bad friend.
Here is why:
- The host needs to know how much food and drinks to provide
- If they underestimate, there isn't enough for all of the guests
- If they overestimate, there is waste and money spent that didn't need to be
- Most of the time, a head count has a maximum. The host must pick and choose who gets an invitation as not to exceed that number. As a result, people get left out and I bet they are people that would show up.
- The host constantly wonders who can and can't come. They want so badly for everyone to have a good time, feel welcome, and get fed. Add chasing down who's not responding and it gets to be a chore rather than something fun to plan.
- Save them the stress and reply promptly
- It is just plain embarrassing when the guests that did come ask the host, "Where are all of the other people that RSVP'ed?" Good question.
But a good host knows that people are flakes, and they know who those people are. Don't worry, won't bother inviting you next time.
This has always been a subject of frustration for me, being such a planner. Why so heated now, you ask? Well, a repeat offender just invited me to an event and asked that I RSVP. Really?
Stepping off, now.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Carina the Blogarina, one of my favorite bloggers that I stumbled upon at 20 Something Bloggers, tagged her readers to show their 10th photo in their 1st album. The idea is to use your library on your computer, but like Carina I am not at home so I'm using Facebook, too.
My first album only had 7 photos in it so I chose to take the 10th photo I am tagged in. Here it is!
You're suppose to tag 10 people to this, and I tag YOU! Show me you 10th photo in your 1st album!
Read more:
My first album only had 7 photos in it so I chose to take the 10th photo I am tagged in. Here it is!
This is at Jenn's Wedding (see her blog here) This photo was so fun to take! The other girls (left to right) are Gigi, Erin (she has a blog, too), Kari, and Tiffani. I was so happy to be a part of Jenn's wedding and create some really great friendships!
Photographer is Lizzie Kimball - she rocks!
You're suppose to tag 10 people to this, and I tag YOU! Show me you 10th photo in your 1st album!
Read more:
Thought for the day
My random epiphany for the day:
Surround yourself with people that have good attitudes and habits. We naturally mimic the people we are with the most. I quit negative, rude, annoying, impatient, short fused, illogical, arrogant people.
In other, unrelated news....
Great party at The Golden Barrel! It was a great success and a wonderful time!
Simon's birthday was yesterday so when he got home from work we decided to go out for a couple drinks. I was still going from working the party and how could I say no to the birthday boy! 50 cent Coronas, shots of Patron Silver, and a late night dinner at Philadelphia Sandwich Company. Cuddled on the couch watching I don't even know what and fell asleep in his arms (your queue for "awes" or "blechs"). Prepare to read some sappiness... I love waking up with him! It's so hard to get out of bed! Soft smile and giddy heart, I'm a happy girl!
It's Friday! Working both jobs again today, then it's home to work on a playlist for tomorrow night. Can't wait till the party!
And in more unrelated news (but possibly related to my random epiphany)...
This guy that couriers product to us from Tucson is annoying and a bit creepy BUT he always smiles and leaves saying "God bless you." Normally I cringe when he comes to my desk for me to sign for a package because ever time he says "I love that beautiful smile." This is a wonderful compliment and I love to hear it, but every time you see me?? But today I welcomed his played out compliment and repeatedly asked question "Where did you get that smile?" I always say my mom and dad, forgetting the answer he wants which is one of two - "It comes from either the Lord above or it comes from within." Gonna remember that for next time!
Surround yourself with people that have good attitudes and habits. We naturally mimic the people we are with the most. I quit negative, rude, annoying, impatient, short fused, illogical, arrogant people.
In other, unrelated news....
Great party at The Golden Barrel! It was a great success and a wonderful time!
Simon's birthday was yesterday so when he got home from work we decided to go out for a couple drinks. I was still going from working the party and how could I say no to the birthday boy! 50 cent Coronas, shots of Patron Silver, and a late night dinner at Philadelphia Sandwich Company. Cuddled on the couch watching I don't even know what and fell asleep in his arms (your queue for "awes" or "blechs"). Prepare to read some sappiness... I love waking up with him! It's so hard to get out of bed! Soft smile and giddy heart, I'm a happy girl!
It's Friday! Working both jobs again today, then it's home to work on a playlist for tomorrow night. Can't wait till the party!
And in more unrelated news (but possibly related to my random epiphany)...
This guy that couriers product to us from Tucson is annoying and a bit creepy BUT he always smiles and leaves saying "God bless you." Normally I cringe when he comes to my desk for me to sign for a package because ever time he says "I love that beautiful smile." This is a wonderful compliment and I love to hear it, but every time you see me?? But today I welcomed his played out compliment and repeatedly asked question "Where did you get that smile?" I always say my mom and dad, forgetting the answer he wants which is one of two - "It comes from either the Lord above or it comes from within." Gonna remember that for next time!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Week 4, Doctor Visits, and the Worst April Fool's Joke in History
Get comfy folks, I have a lot for you to catch up on. I'll give each headings to help you along the way
Couch to 5K - Week Four
And the struggling has begun... Ugh!
It has been a busy week so my days have been more spread out than I would like. Day 2 was supposed to happen Friday but Zipps happy hour just sounded way too tempting. But I knew that I would be going with Sarah on Saturday so I decided I would rather do Saturday and Sunday than Friday and Saturday.
Saturday sucked. I sucked. Big time. It was 2 in the afternoon and probably 85 degrees, no breeze, no clouds, no relief. I was really active all morning running around and working on projects so I was already pooped. Chilled out by the pool to try and recoup for a bit but it clearly did not help.
My knees were KILLING me! And I was terribly out of breath. No bueno! So of course I was in no mind set to do day three of week four on Sunday. I about died this time!
But you'll be surprised and I am proud to say, I ran Sunday morning despite the pain. Now it wasn't the program, but it was about 5 minutes or so (I didn't keep track). You see, after the terrible experience I had, Sarah and I went and rewarded ourselves with cheeseburgers and beers at Saddle followed by more beers at Giligin's. Being the responsible adults we are, we walked home. On my way to get my car Sunday morning, I walked long enough to eat a banana and then to challenge myself I committed to running the rest of the way. I think I got at least 2 full songs out of it so I had to have gone at least 5 minutes. yay for me!
Monday, was supposed to be day 3 since Sunday wasn't but I finished up my day too late. (I decided today I need to get over my fear of running at night stat - blistering heat is very near).
So here it is Tuesday, and I have completed day 3 of week 4. I have been running 3x a week for a month! A huge accomplishment! Whoah! I just realized I'm 1 1/2 runs from half way. Yippee!
Tonight was incredibly better than Saturday. The sun was setting and the breeze was refreshing. I stretched more than usual and really took my time with it. Minimal knee pain this time!! Had some mild shin splints, though. Will never ever have a pain free run though so it's time I learn to just deal with it rather than let it criple me. I find I do best when I love the song, it's loud, and I focus on my breath and a smooth, slow, springy, stride. It is when I obsess over how my feet land on every step and how short or long my stride is. I start to get frustrated, push too hard, and get out of breath and stiff.
Baby steps. I am not going to be able to keep up with people who are runners. I'm not a runner. I'm training to be one and have to be patient with myself to get there at my body's own pace.
Now I face the dilemma of scheduling week 5. Tomorrow is ideal, but it should be an off day, then Thursday I work 7:30 until 9 or 10p.m. and Friday 7:30 until 9. Saturday morning will be no problem and Sunday is out because it is the day after a party we are throwing. So it looks like I'm going tomorrow and Saturday because we all sure as hell know I will not get up and do this before work. I'm pretty excited because I have thought out a new route since I'll be running more and will need a slight bit more distance. Brace yourselves - day 3 of next week is run 20 minutes. Pray for me!
Doctor Visits
I had contemplated even writing about this because I simply don't want this to be a forum for me to cry "woe is me." Well, woe. ;)
For probably the past ten years I have had "episodes" that I could never really pin as anything specific and they have scared the shit out of me. Based on my family history with all the ladies on my mom's side, we self-diagnosed it as high levels of estrogen and aura migraines. (Fun fact: my mom is sure that all of the Howard women were/are over sexed aka are sex kittens due to high levels of estrogen)
My solution was to stay away from BC with a lot of hormones. It seemed to work, most of the time. But I still had them, just not as frequent. They were more often prior to '06 and since then I had one last spring and then now again on Sunday.
I briefly described them in a previous post. Doc advised that I take notes next time it happened so I did just that. I focused on every little detail that I possibly could. I am so frustrated with the incredible challenge of communicating how I feel. But it was a good experience. I remembered that lights don't flash, the numbness only exists on the left side, and I was better able to describe the "whoosh" as if heat is gradually spreading underneath my skin and that my head feels as if it is moving backwards. My motor skills are slowed, but I can still function. I took deep breathes, analyzed what was happening, and it went away. for about 15 minutes afterwards I was still out of sorts, but the disorientation was gone.
She is still puzzled, but doubts it is a migraine. One of the possibilities is mild seizures. So, now I get to have an MRI and an EEG. Please, dear God, let this just be defensive medicine and a way for her to rule it out. I emailed her today asking if I should have my estrogen tested first; if she thinks that or any sort of chemical imbalance is the likely culprit. We'll see what she says tomorrow...
In the meantime, I stress that I either a) am wasting time and overreacting or b) I have something wrong with my brain. I'm just embarrassed about all of this - that it's all nothing and I'm just a crazy worry wart. I welcome humility with open arms!!!
Worst April Fool's Joke in History
My brother is a very mean, twisted person. He is NOT moving here. End of story. Jerk.
And I leave you with a positive update...
Thursday is Simon's birthday! We are having a housewarming party on Saturday for some of our friends and will be celebrating his birthday, too. I ordered an amazing cake and I can't wait until I can speak freely about it! (I promised Simon I wouldn't bring it up anymore)
48 days until England/Lanzarote! Lindze brought her beautiful daughter Sadie in today after work so I got to see her for a little bit. Oh, and Lindze and I had ice cream today. Definitely a sunny day!
Good night all! Tomorrow is a clean slate and new opportunity for betterment - I leave you with this quote to learn and live by!
"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - Buddha
Couch to 5K - Week Four
And the struggling has begun... Ugh!
It has been a busy week so my days have been more spread out than I would like. Day 2 was supposed to happen Friday but Zipps happy hour just sounded way too tempting. But I knew that I would be going with Sarah on Saturday so I decided I would rather do Saturday and Sunday than Friday and Saturday.
Saturday sucked. I sucked. Big time. It was 2 in the afternoon and probably 85 degrees, no breeze, no clouds, no relief. I was really active all morning running around and working on projects so I was already pooped. Chilled out by the pool to try and recoup for a bit but it clearly did not help.
My knees were KILLING me! And I was terribly out of breath. No bueno! So of course I was in no mind set to do day three of week four on Sunday. I about died this time!
But you'll be surprised and I am proud to say, I ran Sunday morning despite the pain. Now it wasn't the program, but it was about 5 minutes or so (I didn't keep track). You see, after the terrible experience I had, Sarah and I went and rewarded ourselves with cheeseburgers and beers at Saddle followed by more beers at Giligin's. Being the responsible adults we are, we walked home. On my way to get my car Sunday morning, I walked long enough to eat a banana and then to challenge myself I committed to running the rest of the way. I think I got at least 2 full songs out of it so I had to have gone at least 5 minutes. yay for me!
Monday, was supposed to be day 3 since Sunday wasn't but I finished up my day too late. (I decided today I need to get over my fear of running at night stat - blistering heat is very near).
So here it is Tuesday, and I have completed day 3 of week 4. I have been running 3x a week for a month! A huge accomplishment! Whoah! I just realized I'm 1 1/2 runs from half way. Yippee!
Tonight was incredibly better than Saturday. The sun was setting and the breeze was refreshing. I stretched more than usual and really took my time with it. Minimal knee pain this time!! Had some mild shin splints, though. Will never ever have a pain free run though so it's time I learn to just deal with it rather than let it criple me. I find I do best when I love the song, it's loud, and I focus on my breath and a smooth, slow, springy, stride. It is when I obsess over how my feet land on every step and how short or long my stride is. I start to get frustrated, push too hard, and get out of breath and stiff.
Baby steps. I am not going to be able to keep up with people who are runners. I'm not a runner. I'm training to be one and have to be patient with myself to get there at my body's own pace.
Now I face the dilemma of scheduling week 5. Tomorrow is ideal, but it should be an off day, then Thursday I work 7:30 until 9 or 10p.m. and Friday 7:30 until 9. Saturday morning will be no problem and Sunday is out because it is the day after a party we are throwing. So it looks like I'm going tomorrow and Saturday because we all sure as hell know I will not get up and do this before work. I'm pretty excited because I have thought out a new route since I'll be running more and will need a slight bit more distance. Brace yourselves - day 3 of next week is run 20 minutes. Pray for me!
Doctor Visits
I had contemplated even writing about this because I simply don't want this to be a forum for me to cry "woe is me." Well, woe. ;)
For probably the past ten years I have had "episodes" that I could never really pin as anything specific and they have scared the shit out of me. Based on my family history with all the ladies on my mom's side, we self-diagnosed it as high levels of estrogen and aura migraines. (Fun fact: my mom is sure that all of the Howard women were/are over sexed aka are sex kittens due to high levels of estrogen)
My solution was to stay away from BC with a lot of hormones. It seemed to work, most of the time. But I still had them, just not as frequent. They were more often prior to '06 and since then I had one last spring and then now again on Sunday.
I briefly described them in a previous post. Doc advised that I take notes next time it happened so I did just that. I focused on every little detail that I possibly could. I am so frustrated with the incredible challenge of communicating how I feel. But it was a good experience. I remembered that lights don't flash, the numbness only exists on the left side, and I was better able to describe the "whoosh" as if heat is gradually spreading underneath my skin and that my head feels as if it is moving backwards. My motor skills are slowed, but I can still function. I took deep breathes, analyzed what was happening, and it went away. for about 15 minutes afterwards I was still out of sorts, but the disorientation was gone.
She is still puzzled, but doubts it is a migraine. One of the possibilities is mild seizures. So, now I get to have an MRI and an EEG. Please, dear God, let this just be defensive medicine and a way for her to rule it out. I emailed her today asking if I should have my estrogen tested first; if she thinks that or any sort of chemical imbalance is the likely culprit. We'll see what she says tomorrow...
In the meantime, I stress that I either a) am wasting time and overreacting or b) I have something wrong with my brain. I'm just embarrassed about all of this - that it's all nothing and I'm just a crazy worry wart. I welcome humility with open arms!!!
Worst April Fool's Joke in History
My brother is a very mean, twisted person. He is NOT moving here. End of story. Jerk.
And I leave you with a positive update...
Thursday is Simon's birthday! We are having a housewarming party on Saturday for some of our friends and will be celebrating his birthday, too. I ordered an amazing cake and I can't wait until I can speak freely about it! (I promised Simon I wouldn't bring it up anymore)
48 days until England/Lanzarote! Lindze brought her beautiful daughter Sadie in today after work so I got to see her for a little bit. Oh, and Lindze and I had ice cream today. Definitely a sunny day!
Good night all! Tomorrow is a clean slate and new opportunity for betterment - I leave you with this quote to learn and live by!
"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - Buddha
Couch to 5k,
Not so sunny day,
Sunny day
My first award!

It's a reminder that people read what I type AND enjoy it! This is such a fantastic compliment!
Thank you so much, Ana from far away! Everyone should check out her blog, Something Good in Everything I See! The title grabbed me and her story has kept me coming back.
The Rules for accepting the Happy 101, Sweet Friends Award are to list 10 things that make you happy and try to do one today. Then, I get the pleasure of passing this award along! Here goes:
- Sunshine & a slight breeze
- Laughing
- Water! Drinking it, swimming it, looking at it!
- Praise and acknowledgment of a job well done
- Spending time with my favorite people, whether it's relaxing or causing trouble
- A post-workout high
- Dancing
- Painting or doing anything creative
- Gardening
- Morganizing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My most favorite thing to do!
And I pass this award onto....
Monday, April 5, 2010
Daily Love
This quote really spoke to me this morning:
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus." - Alexander Graham Bell
I am most of the time incapable of doing one thing at a time. I was thinking this morning about how I envy a horse that pulls a carriage because they are given blinders to be sure that they are not distracted.
Now a lot of the time my distractions are out of my control. The universe drives my work load, and no matter how hard I try to structure my day, I am usually working on a handful of things at a time.
Interruptions are so common for me it's as if I am the interruption and outside forces are the norm. We don't have a receptionist, so I answer almost every single phone call. Granted, a lot are for me, but it would be nice if I didn't have to deal with those that aren't or would ever have the opportunity to not take a call every once in a while.
If I'm working on the computer (which is 75% of my work day or more), I will do something else while waiting for software or websites to load. It's as if I cannot sit idle for more than 30 seconds!
But mostly, I am pretty sure I am the root of my problem. If I stop for 2 seconds, my eyes glance elsewhere and if they are caught on something that could be done, I'll do it. What is wrong with me? I'm like the dog in Up that every time he sees a squirrel, he stops mid sentence and runs off.
I have broken down my day into sections - assigning certain common tasks for certain times of the day. I use my Outlook calendar to remind myself that I should be working on certain tasks at that time, and then when times up I move onto the next. So far it's mostly working out but it is proving difficult when my reminder shows 30 minutes, an hour, or more past due and I haven't had an opportunity to attempt at the task at hand.
I am most of the time incapable of doing one thing at a time. I was thinking this morning about how I envy a horse that pulls a carriage because they are given blinders to be sure that they are not distracted.
Now a lot of the time my distractions are out of my control. The universe drives my work load, and no matter how hard I try to structure my day, I am usually working on a handful of things at a time.
Interruptions are so common for me it's as if I am the interruption and outside forces are the norm. We don't have a receptionist, so I answer almost every single phone call. Granted, a lot are for me, but it would be nice if I didn't have to deal with those that aren't or would ever have the opportunity to not take a call every once in a while.
If I'm working on the computer (which is 75% of my work day or more), I will do something else while waiting for software or websites to load. It's as if I cannot sit idle for more than 30 seconds!
But mostly, I am pretty sure I am the root of my problem. If I stop for 2 seconds, my eyes glance elsewhere and if they are caught on something that could be done, I'll do it. What is wrong with me? I'm like the dog in Up that every time he sees a squirrel, he stops mid sentence and runs off.
I have broken down my day into sections - assigning certain common tasks for certain times of the day. I use my Outlook calendar to remind myself that I should be working on certain tasks at that time, and then when times up I move onto the next. So far it's mostly working out but it is proving difficult when my reminder shows 30 minutes, an hour, or more past due and I haven't had an opportunity to attempt at the task at hand.
Does anyone else have this problem? What do you do?
One may say, Morgan, stop blogging at work but I don't get any official breaks since we're short staffed. All I've seen are working lunches for the past few months so I take back the time I am owed in small increments throughout the day. =)Friday, April 2, 2010
Goodbye Cal Neva, a tribute to your legacy
It's a sad week in Tahoe as the famed casino once owned by Frank Sinatra and always the Rat Pack's favorite hangout has closed its doors. Hopefully temporarily...
Competition with Vegas has gotten too high and for this tourist spot, all bets are off.
Not only was Cal Neva famous because of its regulars, but it was built right on top of the California/Nevada state line - hence the name "Cal Neva."
The pool! One summer, my dad and I snuck into the pool area so I could go swimming. What a thrill it was to swim from California to Nevada and back again! Probably one of the coolest things I did as a kid!
I remember daydreaming about her lounging by the pool, wearing dark sunglasses, sipping on a cocktail and having the time of her life. I wanted to be her.
R.I.P. dear, beautiful Marilyn.
I have a lot of great memories with my Dad at this casino; it is by far my favorite that I have ever been to and that is a lot! While he would go place his sports bets I would hang out in the lodge, in awe of the ginormous stuffed bear and being in two states at once. I was extremely fascinated by the glamour of this lodge in the mountains that was loved by the coolest people of its time and wished I could go back in time to when it was hot.
Will miss ya, Cal Neva!
Cal Neva,
Lake Tahoe,
Marilyn Monroe,
Not so sunny day,
The Rat Pack
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Today is the best day ever!
Just got news that my brother and his family are moving to Phoenix! Matt got a new job that starts in May. That is only a month away! Can't wait to get to hang out with them and see the kiddos grow up! I miss them so much! Put away those sweatshirts and bring out the bathing suits & flip flops, guys!

So now I've got my mom and Lee here for the winter (some day full-time) Brian in California that visits often with his family, Matt and his family as of May - just need to get Jon here from Wisconsin!
We're like a gypsy family! haha From California, to Wisconsin/Minnesota, to Arizona. Hopefully it's the last stop. I love it here!
I think a party is in order...
So now I've got my mom and Lee here for the winter (some day full-time) Brian in California that visits often with his family, Matt and his family as of May - just need to get Jon here from Wisconsin!
We're like a gypsy family! haha From California, to Wisconsin/Minnesota, to Arizona. Hopefully it's the last stop. I love it here!
I think a party is in order...
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